Catalogue of Old Master Violins - Added to Which Is a Short Historical Sketch of the Various Violin Schools, and a List of the Principal Makers, Including an Article Upon Violin Construction and Repairing, Also a List of Choice Music f... #246273 5,85€
Die Richtige Folge der Grundharmonien, oder vom Fundamentalbass und Dessen Umkehrungen und Stellvertretern #253636 7,85€
The History of Church Music - Syllabus With Bibliographical References, for a Course of Twenty-Five Lectures Given at Oberlin Theological Seminary, January-May, 1896 #268849 5,85€
Die Zither in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft - Eine Historisch-Kritische Studie Über das Instrument und Seine Musikalischen Verhältnisse #253641 7,85€
Creative Music for Children - A Plan of Training Based on the Natural Evolution of Music, Including the Making and Playing of Instruments Dancing Singing Poetry #247919 8,85€