Divorce Book for Young Kids and Preschoolers - How Parents Can Help Their Kids Cope during Divorce and Separation #626494

di Dr. Collins William Anderson

Dr. Collins William Anderson

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Divorce affects everyone in the family, and the kids are left with many unanswered concerns. This is a difficult topic to have, and some of the answers may be painful.

This book is intended to help parents begin an open and honest dialogue with their kids about what to anticipate during and after the divorce.

Divorce Book for Young Kids and Preschoolers, written by Dr. Collins William Anderson, shows you how to raise a happy, successful family in a changing environment. Each page contains professional guidance on how to address your decision to divorce your partner with young kids in an effective and healthy manner, such as breaking the initial news, establishing an open discussion, and ensuring that your kid's emotional needs are satisfied throughout your separation.

Using the tried-and-true communication tactics loaded in this book, you will:

i. Initiate honest and open conversation so that your kids can freely express themselves.

ii. Discuss divorce-related subjects and respond to queries in an age-appropriate manner.

iii. Validate your kid's sentiments by making them feel acknowledged and secure.

iii. Improve and strengthen your relationship with your kids.

Divorce Book for Young Kids and Preschoolers will help your kids feel heard, respected, and loved at this tough time, whether you're parenting toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged kids, or young adults.
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Dr. Collins William Anderson