Rise and Progress of the British Power in India #267593

di Peter Auber

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In a map on so small a scale, it is impossible to give even a tolerable outline of the vast countries comprised in the kingdoms, either subject to, or in immediate alliance with, and also contiguous to the British territories.<br><br>The colours have been introduced for the purpose of indicating the possessions acquired under the respective Governors-general.<br><br>Red, those acquired by Lord Clive.<br><br>From Cape Comorin to the Sutlej, and from Assam to the Indus, the British power may be said to be paramount. Advancing from the southernmost point: - Travancore is a subsidiary state; Mysore is under British administration; Sattara, the Nizam, and Berar, are all dependent upon the British power, by subsidy or otherwise.<br><br>Crossing to the north of the Nerbuddah, we enter Malwa, or Central India, a country comprising Guzerat and Bundlecund, with the various Rajpoot Princes. Originally under the Hindoo power, it became subject to that of the Mogul, until the invasion of the Mahrattas. The rivers Chumbul and Sinde running through the centre and falling into the Jumna. Passing the line of hills to the north-west of Oodeypoore, we enter Joudpore or Marwar, contiguous to which lie Biccaneer and Jessulmer, from whence we reach the territories of Bawhalpore, bounded by the rivers Indus and Garra, having the Protected Seik States to the north-east.
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Peter Auber