British Mountain Climbs #232407

di George D. Abraham

Forgotten Books

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It has often been stated that a conveniently small and concise guide to the British rock-climbs is badly needed. The writer trusts that the present work, the result for the most part of personal experience and exploration, will meet this want.<br><br>In the descriptions, the terms "right or left" have been used as applying to the ascent of a climb, except in the rare instances when a descent is mentioned.<br><br>An attempt has been made to group the climbs around the most convenient centres, and the best maps for these are mentioned at the beginning of the leading chapters. Graduated lists of courses for each district have, with some diffidence, been included. Doubtless no two climbers would agree as to the classification of the British courses, but the writer is convinced of the general utility of these lists to all right-minded sportsmen, and he craves some indulgence from those who would alter the order of classification. The fine points of the comparative difficulty and danger of any given climbs are inseparable from the personal equation. It is scarcely necessary to repeat the warning regarding the exceptionally severe courses; in the volumes dealing with Rock Climbing in the English Lake District, North Wales, and Skye this matter has been carefully considered.
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Forgotten Books
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George D. Abraham