Texas Literature Reader #267156

di Davis Foute Eagleton

Forgotten Books

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In deciding upon the following selections for a literature reader for school grades, due consider ation has been given to variety of subject matter as well as to the various forms of style. The questions are developed on the principle of induc tion and are intended to be suggestive merely, and not exhaustive. The pupils should be encouraged to make their own questions. No apology is made for the large use of verse. A long experience in the class room produces the conviction that there would be more appreciation in later years of this most enjoyable of all artis tic forms, if pupils were brought into more inti mate contact with it in the earlier days of school. The biographical notes should be of great serv ice to the teacher. The personal equation is an important factor in school work. Behind the writing should always be the writer. Above all should be cultivated the spirit of inquiry and orig inal thinking on the part of the child. The compiler and publishers desire to return thanks to authors, publishers, and friends, who have so generously aided in securing the material. And it is the hope that the book may be the in spiration of a deeper interest in our home writers on the part of both teachers and pupils.
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Forgotten Books
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Davis Foute Eagleton