The Plot Against Humanity #681538

di Scott Howard

Antelope Hill Publishing LLC

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Best-selling author of The Transgender-Industrial Complex and The Open Society Playbook, Scott Howard explores the still more nefarious connections between our elites, academia, politicians, and media and the various ills plaguing our society. In The Plot Against Humanity, Howard seamlessly exposes the actors behind the renewed and growing interest in transhumanism and the increasing role technology and artificial intelligence will play in our lives in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In true Scott Howard style, this investigation relies heavily on presenting the words and beliefs of the actors themselves and, as always, following the money. 

Howard argues that much like the LGBT movement and open borders phenomenon, the technocratic crises discussed in this book are very much planned, interconnected, and demonstrate a real threat to national and individual sovereignty, if not our very humanity. While conspiracies loom large surrounding the World Economic Forum's so-called Great Reset and the response of world leaders to the pandemic, perhaps by design, Howard provides a level-headed approach, revealing that the incentives of those in power are the same as they have always been: to keep it.

Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present Scott Howard's third book, The Plot Against Humanity. It will serve as both a snapshot of the shrinking and increasingly centralized world we find ourselves in and a warning for what is planned to come.
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Scott Howard