Hints, Tips, and Thoughts on Publishing on DriveThruRPG
Note: Buying this title as the PDF will also give you the 2023 and 2024 versions of the PDF if you interested in how the publishing process is evolving.
This book was born out of the DriveThruRPG.com Pocketquest game jam. That is an annual game jam intended to bring new people into publishing. I found myself sharing many of the lessons that I have learned the hard way to help people get the best start they can in this industry.
Someone made a joke that I should write this book as part of my little white 'easier' book series, and I thought, why not?
The chances of you making your living from writing for RPGs are slim to non-existent. Doubly so if you are an American*, but the chances of you making a noticeable difference to your quality of life are high.
The contents are correct as of December 2024, and I have committed to updating this book as the DriveThruRPG site evolves, bugs get resolved, new bugs get introduced, and the long-awaited new website and publisher tools will become available.
*Free or low-cost healthcare, education, and state pensions make a huge difference to how much you really need to earn to survive.