Anecdotes of Great Musicians - Three Hundred Anecdotes and Biographical Sketches of Famous Composers and Performers #224243

di Willey Francis Gates

Forgotten Books

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In the search for what this volume comprises, much material has been examined. Had the intention been to make it include all the anecdotes that are related of various musicians, three times the present space would have been necessary. But many of the narratives of past and current literature will not stand the test of probability, and in some cases the humor or reason for relation is hard to find. I have attempted to cull from the mass of material that came to my notice such anecdotes as have two features, — that of being characteristic of the person referred to, and that of possessing sufficient interest; and in this re-narration I have incorporated such bits of musical information, along biographical and historical lines, as came to mind at the time of writing, but letting this feature be secondary to the main idea of the work. Thus it is hoped that while my readers may find inter esting anecdote, they may also incidentally find that which is of more permanent value.
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Forgotten Books
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8.25 MB
Willey Francis Gates