The Well at the World's End - A Tale #265521

di William Morris

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Scarce then had his horse stepped out, ere there came a woman running out of the thicket before him and made toward him over the lawn. So he gat off his horse at once and went to meet her, leading his horse; and as he drew nigh he could see that she was in a sorry plight; she had gathered up her skirts to run the better, and her legs and feet were naked the coif was gone from her head and her black hair streamed out behind her her gown was rent about the shoulders and bosom, so that one sleeve hung tattered, as if by the handling of some one. So she ran up to him crying out: Help, knight, help us! And sank down therewith at his feet panting and sobbing. He stooped down to her, and raised her up, and said in a kind voice: What is amiss, fair damsel, that thou art in such a plight; and What may I for thine avail? Doth any pursue thee, that thou fleest thus? She stood sobbing awhile, and then took hold of his two hands and said: 0 fair lord, come now and help my lady for as for me, since I am with thee, I am safe.
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William Morris