The Seats and Causes of Diseases Investigated by Anatomy; In Five Books, Containing a Great Variety of Dissections, With Remarks - To Which Are Added Copious Indexes #226810

di Giambattista Morgagni

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Sir,<br><br>The particular nature of the work before us gives a propriety to this address. A performance which stands upon the basis of anatomical science cannot seek the sanction of a more respectable name than that of Dr. Hunter. Great as the author allowedly is, and great as I have frequently known you confess him, it cannot but give additional weight to his work, and still more to my translation, that it is patroniz'd by you.<br><br>To you belongs the honour, in this country at least, to have stripped anatomical science of its mystery and disguise. - You have divested it of that pompous jargon and farrago of learning, with which it had been dress'd up in the schools, and have render'd its lessons, easy, perspicuous, and familiar. The science has, by your means, become more universally diffus'd, and more clearly understood. And perhaps there is no city in the world, where the attentive practitioners of the several branches of medicine, act with greater certainty to themselves, and safety to their patients, than in this metropolis.<br><br>For myself, I must confess that it is to you, chiefly, I owe that little share of anatomical science, of which I am possess'd. - From thence arises every degree of certainty that I find in determining the feats, and in great measure the causes, of diseases.
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Giambattista Morgagni