The Principles of Knowledge - With Remarks on the Nature of Reality #251095

di Rev. Johnston Estep Walter

Forgotten Books

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All knowledge is in and bv the modes Of the mind. The facts of the individual's consciousness form the beginning and basis of all knowledge. Things are known, therefore, only as we are capable of knowing them, or according to the grasp and nature of the faculties of our mind: and there is no ground for affirming the existence of anything which is not revealed immediately in the. Mental modes, or mediately by them, through their correspondence to or representation of it. The science of knowledge has for its great aim to discuss the origin, extent, and certainty of human knowledge. It considers the basis and beginning of knowledge; the nature and extent of immediate knowledge; the nature and extent of mediate knowledge; everv cognitive movement, in its origin and reach, in its correctness and worth, from the basis of knowledge, by way of perception, imagination, inference, surmise, belief, and by every other mode of procedure, if there be others; in short, it seeks to explain the whole structure of knowledge, as to its origin, its progressive formation, its trustworthiness in each step and part. The important relation between knowledge or thought and being implies a corresponding relation between the science of thought and the science of being.
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Rev. Johnston Estep Walter