The Pathology of Mind Being - Third Edition of the Second Part of the Physiology and Pathology of Mind, Recast, Enlarged, and Rewritten #255760

di Henry Maudsley

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The same reason will, I trust, be held sufficient to justify the large amount of new and in some regards disputable matter which is included in the chapters on the Causation and Pre vention of Insanity. It seemed proper to emphasise the fact that insanity is really a social phenomenon, and to insist that it cannot, be investigated satisfactorily and apprehended rightly except it be studied from a social point of View. In that way only, I believe, can its real nature and meaning as an aberrant phenomenon be perceived and understood. In recasting the plan of the work I have thought it right therefore, in the chapter on Causation, first to treat generally of the etiology of mental derangement from a social standpoint, so fulfilling the requirements of its organic relations, so to speak, in the social organism; and, secondly, to treat particularly of its patho logical causation, so connecting it with the general pathology of nervous disease, and answering the requirements of scientific pathology.
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Henry Maudsley