The Dalton Laboratory Plan #248191

di Evelyn Dewey

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This book is an attempt to answer the questions of teachers and schools about the Dalton Laboratory Plan. The plan is new. It has been in operation in one school for eighteen months and in two others for a little over one year. Therefore, it is not possible to present it as a tested and proved "system," or to say that it must be arranged in such and such a fashion. It is better that it should be so; for education will never be static. It must develop and change with the increase of human knowledge and the changes in society. As long as man develops, his education must develop.<br><br>Miss Parkhurst has suggested an arrangement of the school building and program that seems to give children some of the things they need to grow up successful adults in the world of to-day. Though she has a strong personal bias on the curriculum, the plan itself does not dictate what facts or subjects children must study.
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Evelyn Dewey