The Art of Graveing, and Etching - Wherein Is Exprest the True Way of Graueing in Copper; Allso the Manner and Method of That Famous Callot, and Mr. Bosse, in Their Seuerall Ways of Etching #232194

di William Faithorne

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An was atter times, as it becomes fub kinodomes knowled e and ptac need no Other witne es to con firm this truth, than the Works of thofe fa mous Mafiers, the sm: fiohzias, Blengnagt, 71011412, Natalit, Pontinss A11d as for Etchin we are obliged to that Renowned Callot, and is Difciple Bafle 5 who hath noc praétifed,but alfo hath been (0 courteous as to difcover in t Tongue; this At: unto his Country men. I have ufed him as an Author in, this Work, yet 1 have not traced him (0 clofely as to make if a meéf Tranfla tion 5 but added {omething making ufe of what Ithought neceflary So as (i hope) I am neither fo tedious as to be troublefome, nor {o {hort as to be obfcute. I fhall'not trouble my felf to (peak in the Commendation of this Art, but (to thofe that (may feem to detraé't from it) give me leave.
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William Faithorne