Selections From the Clinical Works of Dr. Duchenne - De Boulogne #248182

di G. V. Poore

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But few words are necessary in explanation of tho method I have followed in editing this volume of selections from tho clinical works of Duchonne do Boulogne.<br><br>Dr. Tibbits' well-known translation of tho first part of L'Electrisation Localisée has made it unnecessary for the New Sydenham Society to undertake the translation of any of Duchonno's writings which treat of purely electrical subjects. Tho ensuing chapters, therefore, will bo found to be almost exclusively devoted to those clinical observations by which the author's great professional reputation was mainly established.<br><br>The reader cannot fail to notice that, with very few exceptions, the selections are taken from the last edition of L'Electrisation Localisée. The reason of this is obvious. Duchonne's observations were originally published separately, or in one or other of the French medical journals, but almost all of thorn became ultimately incorporated with tho book which to the last retained its inadequate and rather misleading title of L'Electrisation Localisee. Each edition of this work was bigger than the one which preceded it, its growth being mainly duo to tho addition of those papers on clinical, physiological, and pathological subjects which the author had written in the interval which elapsed between the editions.<br><br>It will be observed that there are no selections from the Physiologic des Mouvements, which by many would bo considered the greater of Duchenne's two groat works.
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G. V. Poore