Scientific Hat Finishing and Renovating - A Complete and Profusely; Illustrated Course of Instruction, Enabling the Novice to Acquire the Art of Finishing and Remodeling Hats of All Varieties According to Tested and Approved Methods #224514

di Henry L. Ermatinger

Forgotten Books

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The present volume, it is believed, is as complete and explicit as it is possible to make. Scientific H at Finishing and Renovating is really a remarkable achievement. The reader will soon realize that it is more than a set of instructions — it is this, plus a run ning fire of confidential advice and counsel from a man who «has been a practical hatter all his life and has} learned the little shortcuts and economies that distin guish. The expert from the beginner. If you need a cigar-box for pouncing paper and chalk he does not advise you to get a costly cabinet. Throughout the book there are hardheaded hints that will be of value to the hatter already established as well as to the man planning to open a shop. Besides the satisfaction of filling a genuine need and helping to elevate the craft of hatting, we feel asentimental interest in sponsoring this book, for John Henry Ermatinger, father of the author, was one of our early customers and Mr. Ermatinger himself is still on our books as a regular purchaser. As far back as 1862 John Henry Ermatinger was purchasing goods from us; and his son, the author of this book, has in his possession an old bill from us dated in that year. While we have made no endeavor to advertise our products in this book, we wish to call the reader's at tention to the fact that all supplies mentioned may be obtained from us.
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Henry L. Ermatinger