Painters Decorators Work #260359

di Henry George Dowling

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This little book has been written to enable the young Painter and Decorator to understand the methods and scope of his craft, and it is intended to supplement the information which he picks up in the course of his apprenticeship. The necessity for acquiring a knowledge of underlying principles and a wide range Of experience in execution was never greater than it is to-day. The growing practice of inviting tenders for work renders it increasingly difficult to achieve satisfactory artistic results at a price which is likely to secure a contract; and the man whose training enables him to seize at once the artistic possibilities, and to attain them in the most economical way, will not only reap personal advantage, but will have the satisfaction Of raising the standard Of craftsman ship in his own day. The various chapters Of the book deal with the purpose Of painting, the tools, appliances, and materials Of the trade, and with the processes adapted to the different kinds Of work. It is clearly no more than an introduction to a vast subject, and the student who realises the need for diligent and continued study will make use Of the libraries and museums in his own town, and will endeavour to master as many as possible of the books mentioned in the Appendix.
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Forgotten Books
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Henry George Dowling