Old West Surrey - Some Notes and Memories #227110

di Gertrude Jekyll

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SO many and so great have been the changes within the last half-century, that I have thought it desirable to note, while it may yet be done, what I can remember of the ways and lives and habitations of the older people of the working class of the country I have lived in almost continuously ever since I was a very young child. It is the south-western corner of the county of Surrey; so near indeed to the actual corner, that the adjoining portions of Hampshire and Sussex come within a radius of a very few miles, and are considered as within the district. After all, geographical distinctions are purely arbitrary, and only really appreciable on the map, where they show in different colours; whereas, in the real world, one steps without know ing it from Surrey into Hampshire on the dry heath — land, and out of Surrey into Sussex from one clay puddle into the next, without being aware in either case that the land 'is called by another name.
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Gertrude Jekyll