How to Make Hand Made Flowers #268234

di Ada Jones Smith

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It would be folly to deceive ourselves or others in thinking we may imitate Nature's handiwork. We can only hope to have hand — made flowers artistic. Many times the same principle is used for various flowers. To make the flower realistic, choose a shade of ribbon or silk as near the natural color of the flower as possible. To further distinguish the flower add commercial foliage. Proper foliage for many flowers is obtainable. For in stance, in making violets, we would use violet colored material, — ii a rose, we would use rose-colored material. In this book are thirty — two models and the use of many different materials is described, — 7/silk, satin, velvet, organdy, kid, velvet, ribbon, chiffon, gingham, fancy ribbon, and chenille. The fancy ribbon creations are nice for boudoir decorations such as lamp or candle shades, pillows, bags or fancy boxes. Pink satin or chiffon flowers are used With pleasing effect for caps and negligee. A hat may be trimmed with flowers made of the same material as the hat, or a contrasting material is in good taste.
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Ada Jones Smith