Herb Lore - May, 1936 #262460

di Fong Wan Herb Co

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The demand of Americans for Chinese Herbs has for several years been steadily on the increase. Consequently, whereas some forty years ago the sale of Chinese Herbs in the United States was confined almost wholly to the Chinese population, at the time of this writing, the Amer ican patrons far outnumber the Chinese. Our company has been doing business in Oakland, California, for the past twenty years. During this period, we have afforded genuine, and, in most cases, permanent relief to numerous persons, variously afflicted. Our harmless, life-giving herbs have so built up their bodies, purified their blood, and renewed their strength that they have again felt like their former selves and have joyfully taken up the burdens of life anew. We are here presenting the testimonials of a number of enthusiastic patrons, some of whom testified in the Federal Court in San Francisco, California, March lst to 8th, 1932, as to the authenticity of their print ed statements; the more recent addresses of whom may be obtained at our Office. The office hours of our herbalist are from A. M. To P. M. Daily, Sundays A. M. To 12 Noon. Herbs are cooked and the tea served at the office daily to those patrons who either prefer to drink the tea at the office or who have no facilities for cooking the herbs at home. Although there is no charge for cooking the herbs, 90 per cent of our patrons prefer to boil them at home, several packages being put up at a time.
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Fong Wan Herb Co