Fruit Culture in Colorado - A Manual of Information #247262

di William E. Pabor

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Apples.<br><br>"Come, let us plant the apple tree.<br>Cleave the tough greensward with the spade;<br>Wide let its hollow bed be made;<br>There gently lay the roots, and there<br>Sift the dark mold with kindly care<br>And press it o'er them tenderly;<br>As 'round the sleeping infant's feet<br>We softly fold the cradle sheet,<br>So plant we the apple tree."<br><br>- Henry W. Longfellow.<br><br>As the garden was the first habitation in which we are told Man was placed, so the apple is the first fruit of which mention is made as flourishing in it. And, while it is supposed to have been the cause of his banishment from the home first given him, it is to be stated to the credit of this fruit, that it followed him out of the Garden of Eden and has kept him company and been a solace to him all through his wanderings over the earth, in almost every zone and under the most adverse circumstances, thereby endeavoring to atone, as far as lay in its power, for the trouble it originally caused.<br><br>Many centuries passed before "varieties" were catalogued. Even up to the time of Pliny, the Roman historian, but a score or so were named by the pomologists of that era. In these later days we are given, by such undoubted authority as Professor Warder, a list of over two thousand from which to select; varieties adapted to every month in the year, of every conceivable flavor, size, shape, color.
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William E. Pabor