Educational Guide - A Handbook of Useful Information for Foreign Students in the United States of America #262500

di Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students

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Considered from any viewpoint, the individual members of this group of six thousand students, representing fifty nations, are a most important factor in the spread of modern educa tion. About one third of the. Students from abroad receive scholarships from their governments; the remainder are pri vate students sent by their parents, missionaries, and other foreign residents. Some idea of their intellectual quality can be gained from the fact that they are required to pass difficult examinations before they can be appointed as government scholarship men; most of the private students go abroad as a result of their own initiative and perseverance. Judged from the political and commercial standpoint, the foreign students are an important class, because many of them represent families of wealth and political power. As future leaders their influence cannot be overestimated, and no body of men and women can wield more potent influence for righteous peace among the nations.
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Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students