Chorlton's Grape Growers Guide - A Hand-Book of the Cultivation of the Exotic Grape #272567

di William Chorlton

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When it was proposed to issue a new and enlarged edition of the present volume, the author was requested to make such changes and additions as his later experience had shown to be necessary. In due time he reported that he had gone all over the work, and having compared its teachings with his daily practice, he could see nothing which he wished to alter. He suggested that the work might be made more valuable by adding descriptions of the better varieties of the exotic grapes introduced since the former edition.<br><br>In view of the above, we are warranted in presenting the work as embodying the former teachings confirmed by the later experience of one who may be regarded as a veteran in grape culture.<br><br>The suggested list of the newer exotic grapes has been added, and will be found at the end of the volume. Such has been the development of out-door grape culture that to give even an outline of its present condition would require a volume larger than the present. Hence no attempt has been made to add to that portion of the work. The publishers prefer to let it remain the most practical and reliable hand-book for the grower of grapes under glass.
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William Chorlton