Art in Dress #233556

di P. Clement Brown

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Psychology of Line means Mental Products. The elements of Beauty (Proportion, Symmetry, Simplicity, Variety and Grace) of Line are brought forth by the Lines of Creation and Adaptation. So, too, the proper handling of materials and fabrics, color, and material combinations, and ornamentations develop the Designs as a whole.<br><br>At first it is necessary to get the true idea of Line. Taking first the Silhouette Lines, which are the outside line forecasting the Fashion of the Day. It is the outline of a Model for example, it may be a chemise, or straight line, or semi-fit or figure fitting, or draped, or bouffant or expanded lines. From exterior lines we have interior lines. These may be the neck line, yoke line, center front line, or waist line (tight, semi-fit and loose or chemise). Our governing lines which are Line One, or Body Line, Chest Line, Bust Line, Waist Line, Top of Limbs Line, and End of Knee Cap Line. These are very important and must be properly mastered.<br><br>Everything has line and possibility. As you gradually proceed you will receive other ideas from your lines and apply them into your Fashions. Lines denote Individuality and must be properly handled. Try to form in your mind a line, now just cut or snip away a part of the same line and substitute an original line. Make a Fashion Mirror and keep reflecting altered lines.<br><br>The idea of Period re-creation is only adapting, changing and modernizing lines. First cultivate Line Sense and then adaptation.<br><br>Harmony of Line is one of the most essential items after the preparation of Lines that you arc to use in the Model. Do not spoil your effect by bringing in unrelated lines. If you have a round neck line do not use square lines.<br><br>Remember, simplicity is the key-note. A creation with a touch of individuality at the neck line or on the edge of the sleeve, with the frock featuring one of the season's silhouettes, is by far a better design than one overdone by amateur efforts. One of the best slogans of a Designer is to "Know when to quit".<br><br>Do not apply ornamentation: like collar, cuffs, laces, embroidery, ribbons and any applied art and believe that you are introducing new lines. Lines must be properly handled by themselves and then turn your attention to applied art.
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P. Clement Brown