Die Postwertzeichen und Entwertungen der Deutschen Postanstalten in den Schutzgebieten und im Auslande - Als Handbuch Unter Mitwirkung Bedeutender Sammler Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben #272624 9,85€
On the Cattle Plague - Or Contagious Typhus in Horned Cattle, Its History, Origin, Description, and Treatment #272110 8,85€
The Refraction of the Eye, Including a Complete, Treatise on Ophthalmometry - A Clinical Text-Book for Students and Practitioners #272103 9,85€
Age of the Domestic Animals - Being a Complete Treatise on the Dentition of the Horse, Ox, Sheep, Hog, and Dog, and on the Various Other Means of Determining the Age of These Animals #270305 7,85€
Alfred J. Brown Seed Co., 1900 - Growers, Merchants and Importers of Garden, Farm and Flower Seeds #270355 5,85€
Catalogue of Craftsman Furniture Made by Gustav Stickley at the Craftsman Workshops, Eastwood, N. Y - July, 1910 #268877 5,85€
Notes on Magneto-Hydrodynamics - Theory of Maxwell's Equations Without Displacement Current #268151 6,85€
A History of the Conceptions of Limits and Fluxions, in Great Britain From Newton to Woodhouse #267995 8,85€