The Physiognomical System of Drs; Gall and Spurzheim - Founded on an Anatomical and Physiological Examination of the Nervous System in General, and of the Brain in Particular; And Indicating Thee Dispositions and Manifestations of the ... #246902 10,85€
The Third Yearbook of the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education - The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Education of Teachers, (1) John Dewey; (2) Sarah C. Brooks; (3) F. M. McMurry, T. D. Wood, D. E. Smith, C. H. ... #246778 5,85€
An Essay on Hysteria - Being an Analysis of Its Irregular and Aggravated Forms; Including Hysterical Hemorrhage, and Hysterical Ischuria, With Numerous Illustrative Cases #244554 6,85€