The New Gymnastics - For Men, Women, and Children #271795

di Dio Lewis

Forgotten Books

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In sending forth the tenth edition of the New Gymnastics, the author cannot refrain from expressing his gratification at the wide welcome accorded to the system of physical culture which it describes. Five years ago, at a moment full of national peril, this book was presented to the notice of the American people. That it met at such a time an instant and extended sale, may surely be accepted as evidence of a great want, and of the eagerness of the people to welcome any effort to supply that want.<br><br>More than one edition of the New Gymnastics have been published in London, England, and from that great centre the book and the system have gone to all parts of Great Britain, to Australia, South Africa, India, and to other British Colonies, - in short, wherever the English language is spoken, this treatise has made its way, and is influencing the educational systems and the personal habits of the great Anglo-Saxon race. This does more than satisfy an author's pride, it brings joy and gratitude to his heart.
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Forgotten Books
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Dio Lewis