The Arm Movement Method of Rapid Writing - Easy to Learn, Easy to Teach, Easy to Write, Easy to Read #266503

di C. P. Zaner

Forgotten Books

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Writing should be plain and rapid. The business world demands it. Slow writing is out of date, and illegible writing is inexcusable, annoying, and dangerous. A good handwriting being now' within the reach of all, a poor one is a disgrace. Copybooks and vertical writing have fostered form at the expense of freedom, and slow, cramped finger movement writing has resulted. Speed and muscular movement theories have fostered freedom at the expense of form, and reckless, scrawling, illegible writing has been the rule. Form without freedom is of little value, and freedom without form is folly. Form and freedom must go hand in hand or failure follows. The Arm Movement Method of Rapid Writing is based upon form and move ment, neither being sacrificed as both are absolutely essential to success. The work is so planned and graded that form' and movement for the first time are developed together successfully and scientifically from the beginning, the simple preceding and leading to the complex.
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Forgotten Books
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C. P. Zaner