Tales of the Alhambra #74758

di Washington Irving

Publisher s13364

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The Tales of the Alhambra : a series of tales and sketches of the Moors and Spaniards was published in May 1832, Consisting of a series of essays and short fiction pieces, it was referred to as his "Spanish Sketch Book." In 1851 Irving wrote the "Author's Revised Edition", also titled Tales of the Alhambra. Tales of the Alhambra is a collection of essays, verbal sketches, and stories.

Care was taken to maintain local coloring and verisimilitude; so that the whole might present a faithful and living picture of that microcosm, that singular little world into which I had been fortuitously thrown; and about which the external world had a very imperfect idea. It was my endeavor scrupulously to depict its half Spanish, half Oriental character; its mixture of the heroic, the poetic, and the grotesque; to revive the traces of grace and beauty fast fading from its walls; to record the regal and chivalrous traditions concerning those who once trod its courts; and the whimsical and superstitious legends of the motley race now burrowing among its ruins.
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Publisher s13364
Anno di pubblicazione:
888 KB
Washington Irving