The Life of Saint Winefride - Virgin and Martyr, Based on the Acts Compiled by the Bollandist Fathers #224123

di Thomas Swift

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"St. Winefride, most admirable virgin, even in this unbelieving generation still miraculous, pray for England."<br><br>Thus do we pray in the Litany of Intercession for the conversion of our country, and it seems certain that Divine Providence designs the marvellous cures so constantly occurring at St. Winefride's Well to bring back many to the Church of their forefathers. Meanwhile, the devotion of catholics towards this great Saint appears to be waning. Pilgrims to the Well are not so numerous as of old, and there is less eagerness to assist at the festivals kept in her honour. Possibly, one cause of this falling off may be the little publicity given to the graces conferred and cures wrought by St. Winefride's intercession. The publication of a new Life of the Saint therefore, it is hoped, may be a means of stimulating the fervour of catholics and of leading non-catholics, to study the source of that sanctity which God glorifies in His saints.
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Thomas Swift