The Early Journal of Charles Wesley #231079

di Charles Wesley

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Tuesday, March 9. — About three in the afternoon, I first set foot on St. Simon's island, and immediately my spirit revived. N o sooner did I enter upon my ministry than God gave me, like Saul, another heart. So true is that [re mark] of Bishop Hall: The calling of God never leaves a man unchanged neither did God ever employ any one in His service whom He did not enable to the work He set him especially those whom He raises up to the supply of His place, and the representation of Himself.' The people, with Mr. Oglethorpe, were all arrived the day before. The first who saluted me on my landing was honest Mr. Ingham, and that with his usual bearti ness. Never did I more rejoice at the sight of him especially when he told me the treatment he has met with for vindicating the Lord's day such as every minister of Christ must meet with. The people seemed overjoyed to see me; Mr. Oglethorpe in particular received me very kindly.
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Charles Wesley