Sabrina - Being a Chronicle of the Life of the Goddess of Amherst College #231133

di Winthrop Hiram Smith

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HE mystery, the romance and the un I confirmed rumors that have surrounded Sabrina for more than thirty years have built up a tradition unparalleled in the history of any other American college. The customs grow ing up around the Goddess have been entirely spontaneous, the rivalry between Odd and Even classes originated naturally and grew in strength as the years passed by, until today the tradi tion has become so intense and meaningful that the mere mention of Sabrina is sure to quicken the pulse of every Amherst man. Some twelve years ago, Max Shoop, of the class of nineteen ten, published a History of Sabrina. Up till then Sabrina had been the subject of considerable speculation; stories of her numerous travels and startling appearances had been handed down by word of mouth, and exaggeration, purposeful and imaginative, wove a shroud of mystery about our fostering divin ity. There were those who even doubted the existence of the statue. Shoop succeeded in gathering up the odds and ends of the story and presented them in a very pleasing and construe tive way.
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Winthrop Hiram Smith