Madame - A Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I, and Duchess of Orleans #245643

di Julia Cartwright

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Unfortunately, all Madame's letters to her mother, Queen Henrietta Maria, have perished, and we only possess a small part of her correspondence with her brother, Charles II. Forty-three letters from her pen are all that I have been able to discover. Of these, seventeen addressed to Charles are preserved in the collection of Royal ms. Letters in the library of Lambeth Palace. Nine letters to her brother are among the French State Papers at the Record Office, and one short note was lent by the Duc de Fitz ]ames to the Stuart Exhibition. A copy Of a letter, addressed to Sir Ellis Leighton, is in the French Archives. Eleven others, written by Madame to the governess of her children, Madame de Saint Chau mont, or to the author himself, are given by Daniel de Cosnac in his Memoirs. Of the remaining four, two, addressed to the Princesse Palatine and the Cardinal de Retz, belonged to M. Monmerqué's col lection. The other two, addressed respectively to Madame de La Fayette and the Maréchal de Tur enne, are preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Bibliotheque de Nantes.
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Julia Cartwright