Inns and Taverns of Old London - Setting Forth the Historical and Literary Associations of Those Ancient Hostelries, Together With an Account of the Most Notable Coffee-Houses, Clubs, and Pleasure Gardens of the British Metropolis #250699

di Henry C. Shelley

Forgotten Books

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For all races of Teutonic origin the claim is made that they are essentially home-loving people. Yet the Englishman of the sixteenth and seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, espe cially of the latter, is seen to have exercised considerable zeal in creating substitutes for that home which, as a Teuton, he ought to have loved above all else. This, at any rate, was emphatically the case with the Londoner, as the following pages will testify. When he had per footed his taverns and inns, perfected them, that is, according to the light of the olden time, he set to work evolving a new species of public resort in the coffee-house. That type of estab lishment appears to have been responsible for the development of the club, another substitute for the home. And then came the age of the pleasure-garden. Both the latter survive, the one in a form of a more rigid exclusiveness than the eighteenth century Londoner would have deemed possible; the other in so changed.
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Henry C. Shelley