History of the Family of Benjamin Snow, Who Is a Descendant of Richard Snow of Woburn, Massachusetts #233016

di Owen N. Wilcox

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One great mine of these papers was a little green wooden trunk. The property of Benjamin's son. Russ. Brought by hisfamily from Maine to Ohio and now in the home of his grand son, Harry Ward Snow, of Brecksville, Ohio and in which he kept many carefully cherished letters, bonds, deeds and documents of a legal character. The facsimile signatures which appear in this book were taken from old deeds in this little green trunk. It is fortunate for the family that it was his habit to be fastidious about the preservation of such relics. The majority of the letters appearing herein that relate to the removal of the Snows from Maine to Ohio, fell into the possession of Russ' oldest daughter, Charlotte. After his death, and for their timely production for use in this book, we are indebted to her daughter, Mrs. K. F. Barnes, of Cedar Rap ids, Iowa, and to her son, Corwin Russ Snow, Sr., of Key stone, Iowa, both of whom in digging up old papers and writing biographical sketches, have done yeoman's service in making this volume a possibility.
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Owen N. Wilcox