THE MAGIC CITY - A Children's Fantasy Adventure #471713

di Edith Nesbit

Abela Publishing

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THE MAGIC CITY is a children's book by E. Nesbit, first published in 1910. It initially appeared as a serial in The Strand Magazine.

After Philip's older sister and sole family member Helen marries, he goes off to live with his new step sister Lucy. He has trouble adjusting at first, thrown into the world different from his previous life and abandoned by his sister while she is on her honeymoon. To entertain himself he builds a giant model city from things around the house: game pieces, books, blocks, bowls, etc. Then, through some magic, he finds himself inside the city, and it is alive with the people he has populated it with. Some soldiers find him and tell him that two outsiders have been foretold to be coming: a Deliverer and a Destroyer. Mr. Noah, from a Noah's Ark playset, tells Philip that there are seven great deeds to be performed if he wants to prove himself the Deliverer. Lucy, too, has found her way into the city and joins Philip as a co-Deliverer, much to his chagrin.

What happens next? Well you’ll have to download the book to findout for yourself!

10% of the profit from the sale of this book is donated to charities.
KEYWORDS/TAGS: Magic City, edith Nesbit, fantasy, fiction, childrens story, fantasy tale, young people, switch, Philip, Lucy, Helen, model city, deliverer, destroyer, game pieces, soldiers, magic, mr noah, ark, playset, seven, great deeds, honeymoon, sister, outsiders, prove, pip, Peter Graham, Nurse, maid, chief judge, Mr. Perrin, carpenter, motor veil lady, Pretender-in-Chief, Claimancy, Deliverership, Pretenderette, Lord High Islander, Polistarchia, Polly, parrot, Max, Brenda, the dogs, Hippogriff, Great Sloth, Dragon slayer, Princess in distress, Disentangle, Mazy Carpet, Fear slayer, Dwellers, slay, Lions in the Desert: shared task, after the fact, Polistarchia, Fruit, Awake and Busy, free, Polistopolis, The Beginning, Lost, On The Carpet, Ups, Downs, Lightning, Loose', Night Attack, end, folklore, fairy tales, myths, legends, fables,
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Abela Publishing
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3.09 MB
Edith Nesbit