Survival Guide for Racially Abused Persons #697588

di Klish T. Kinderman

Klish T. Kinderman

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Surviving in a world filled with racial prejudice is never easy. You may feel hopeless, scared, and alone. But the good news is, you don't have to go through it alone anymore.

With "Survival Guide for Racially Abused Persons," you'll learn how to navigate through this tough journey and come out better and stronger on the other side.

This book isn't just another self-help guide. It's a powerful tool that has been crafted by experts who understand what it feels like to be racially abused. This book offers practical advice, as well as coping strategies that really work.

Whether you're experiencing racism at work, school, or in your personal life, "Survival Guide for Racially Abused Person" will provide you with all the tools you need to stand up for yourself and fight back against racial discrimination.
In this book, you will learn:
  • How to Cope with Race-Related Stress
  • How to Deal with Racist People
  • Coping Strategies of Racial Abuse
  • How to Build Mental Resilience as a Racially-Abused Victim
  • How to Deal with Racial Abuse in Your Workplace
  • How to Fight Racism at School

And much more...
Don't wait any longer; order your copy today and take the first step towards a better tomorrow!
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Altre informazioni:

Anno di pubblicazione:
154 KB
Klish T. Kinderman