Rayan's Adventure Learning the Five Pillars of Islam - An Islamic Book Teaching Children about the Five Pillars of Islam #623256

di Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids

The Sincere Seeker

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The Religion of Islam is based upon Five Primary Foundations or Pillars. Just as a building or a bridge would lack stability without strong pillars, a Muslim's relationship with Allah, his God, would lack a focus and a secure connection without the observance of and adherence to these fundamental Five Pillars.

These Five Pillars or religious duties are mandatory. Every Muslim must follow and practice them with the utmost devotion. Failure to comply and practice any of these dictates can be considered the commission of serious sin, some resulting even in the expulsion of a believer from the fold and faith of Islam.

These Five Pillars are mentioned individually throughout the Holy Quran, and through the narrations of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; known as Hadith.

The Five Pillars of Islam are:
★ Testimony of faith in the Oneness of God (Allah) & the last & final Prophet, Muhammad, PBUH ★
★ Establishment of the five mandatory prayers; Salah Prayer/ Namaz for kids ★
★ Zakat; the concern and almsgiving to the needy ★
★ Fasting during the month of Ramadan (for self-purification) ★
★ Hajj; The pilgrimage to Makkah, or Mecca (at least a once-in-a-lifetime journey for those who can do it and can afford it) ★
Like the Ten Commandments of the Jewish and Christian faiths, these Pillars provide a spiritual foundation and a framework to guide a Muslim's life. Fulfillment of these Five Pillars provides blessings and rewards for those who follow them in both this life and the next. These Pillars help Muslims establish a closer relationship with their Creator and build a spiritual connection with Him. A faithful Muslim prioritizes these Pillars over all worldly matters, principles, or regulations in their lives, as they form the foundation and starting point for all other good deeds and acts of worship to their Creator.

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Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids
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