Kisah Hikayat Aminah Binti Wahab Ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW Edisi Bahasa Inggris #314244

di Muhammad Vandestra, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim

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Kisah kehidupan Siti Aminah Ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW Dalam Bahasa Inggris Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran & Al-Hadist.
Hazrat Abdullah was growing up day by day and the girls started to turn round him like a moth. However, he did not turn and look at any of them, preserving his chastity and honor. When Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib saw that his beloved son reached the age of marriage, he wanted him to have a happy family. However, it was necessary to find someone equal to him in every aspect. Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib soon found what he wanted. He went to Wahb b. Abdi Manaf, the chief of Bani Zuhra tribe, and told him that he wanted his son, Abdullah to marry Wahb’s daughter, Amina. Wahb accepted the proposal and said:
“O my cousin! We received this proposal before you. Amina’s mother had a dream a few days ago. According to what she narrated, a light entered our house and it illuminated the earth and the sky. Last night, I saw our grandfather, Ibrahim (pbuh), in my dream. He said to me, ‘I married Abdullah, Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib’s son, off to your daughter, Amina. When he comes, accept it.’ I have been under the influence of this dream since this morning. I constantly asked myself, ‘When will they come?’”
When Ab­dul­mut­ta­libheard it, he shouted, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” joyfully.
Amina, Wahb’s daughter had a high rank among the girls of the Qurayshis in terms of beauty, ethics and nobility. She was equal to Abdullah; she was only 14 then. Abdullah was twenty-four years old. They soon had a wedding and got married; the family that would bring the Master of the Universe into the world was set up.

A few weeks after their marriage, something strange happened but not many people noticed it. The light that had been on the face of Hazrat Abdullah started to shine on the forehead of Amina. It meant Hazrat Amina was pregnant; she was going to give birth to the Master of the Universe.
A few months passed after their marriage.
Hazrat Abdullah went to Syria with a trade caravan.
That was all. Hazrat Abdullah never returned to Makkah. When the caravan returned to Makkah a few months later, Hazrat Abdullah was not among them. Only the ill news arrived. Hazrat Abdullah had become ill in Madinah while returning from the journey. They had left him with his maternal uncles there.
When Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib received this news, he sent Harith, his son, to Madinah at once. When Harith arrived in Madinah, it was too late. Hazrat Abdullah had died without seeing his son, the Master of the Universe, even once. He had been buried in the yard of Nabigha, from the sons of Adiyy b. Najjar. Harith returned to Makkah with this sorrowful news. Makkah was mourning for him. The fact that death, which does not discriminate between the young and the old, took Abdullah at a very young age and grieved the family of Abdulmuttalib extremely. The people of Makkah shared their sorrow by shedding tears for him.
It was impossible to describe the sorrow and grief of Amina, who was very young. When she heard the news, she started to melt like a candle. She could not help crying for days. She cried and cried. There were two months left for the birth of the person to come to the world; he would wipe the tears of the humanity with his light and stop their pains.
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Muhammad Vandestra, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim