Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum - With an Introduction and 79 Plates #233499 8,85€
The Leuchtenberg Gallery - A Collection of Pictures Forming the Celebrated Gallery of His Imperial Highness, the Duke of Leuchtenberg, at Munich #231019 10,85€
Black's Guide to Galway, Connemara, and the West of Ireland - Illustrated With Maps and Plans #230809 6,85€
School-House Architecture - Illustrated in Seventeen Designs in Various Styles; With Full Descriptive Drawings in Plan, Elevation, Section, and Detail #230598 6,85€
Tiffany Favrile Glass, Tiffany Windows, Tiffany Mosaics, Tiffany Monuments, Tiffany Granite #230709 6,85€
Catalogue of Ancient and Modern, American and Foreign, Coins, Medals and Tokens, Numismatic Books and Catalogues, Fractional Currency, &C., The Collection of Mr. John Robinson, of Salem, Mass - To Be Sold by Auction, Wednesday and Thur... #227506 5,85€